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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  December 1, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm EST

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thank you. , good luck. ♪ ♪ ♪ lou: president obama is enrollment numbers, it is all bad news for the obama administration. am lou dobbs. hello, everyone. severely undercutting president obama's credibility an approval rating. a new fox poll shows half of voters believe president obama knowingly lied when he repeatedly told americans that they could keep their plan under his signature health care law. as for the number of americans who have signed on for health care insurance, the initial
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numbers are woefully short and far below their lowered expectations. 106,000 have eolled in health care plans in the state and federal exchanges through the first month obamacare. one fifth of what the officials had projected before the launch of health care dog of and the opening of exchanges accnted for only 27,000 of successful in moments, 80,000 of them originated in state-run insurance exchanges and secretary kathleen sibelius revealed below numbers and then open herself and the administration up to ridicule consistent with what maschuses, a state of only
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6.5 million residents, experienced an initial rollout of romney care. not revealing the number of people that paid for the plan and she did not explain why the obama administration will withhold those numbers from the public until december 15. >> the numbers are consistent with the numbers that massachusetts reported and that we feel are the most accurate by the 15th of december and we will be able to tell you how many people have paid for this coverage. lou: or disturbing numbers. 55% say they believe the obama administration tried to deceive them about obamacare. compared to only 30% many say we need to throw obamacare out and begin again and 42% say keep trying to fix it and 10% say leave it alone.
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well, let's find out our guests tonight have to say. joining us is andrea and greg. cost of the five and thank you both for bei here. i would like to turn to you, andrea. she has become a metaphor for what is going on with health care dog of an obamacare itself. it's striking that thishing just doesn't work and we still are having conflicting claims is whether or not it can be fixed as the administration promises. >> that's right, she is and who she said she was. and now she's getting bullied, much like people are getting bullied to sign up for the plans so they cannot log on and get these numbers today. but the numbers are -- it's so fraudulent of their time to do. they are changing the jobs
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number equation for the presidential election and now they are changing the definition of how people hav signed up for this. so they are counted as being part of obamacare. but you know and i know and greg know that you can't really count someone until they actually pay for the plan. so this is fuzzy math to say the least. lou: absolutely. what he is doing is appalling. they only have 27,000 sign-ups and enrollees over health care dog of in the 36 states that our federal are federal exchanges. the rest come from state exchanges and this is getting, laborious and absurd. >> everyday gets worse and you wonder where it will bottom out for this administration. i would say that the metaphor in this town for obamacare is a senator named kay hagan. a moderate democrat from north
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carolina. she was easily leading in her reelection fight for next year. up by 10 or 12 or 15 points and now tied in north carolina and people tell polltakers a reason why is obamacare. there are so many democrats who are now running scared for 2014. lou: 16 senators, saying they quote unquote dressed him down. then the democratic caucus today let the white house know that either there is what they consider to be riable by friday, or there is going to be -- it looks like there will be at least a threat and they will be joining up with fred upton on his legislation to make sure that people are able to keep their health insurance. >> it's all a farce. how are they able to keep their
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plans? is as liable gloves were a democratic lawmaker to explain it to me. this is a fake and phony strategy like if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. the old plans do not exist anymore and to say that people can keep their plans means that the plans are against the law. a lot of the democrats wrote. so i'm just wondering how they are actually going to somehow reconcile this. insurance companies are not going to extend these plans forever. maybe a couple months. "the wall street journal" weighed in upon now. you and i know insurance coanies these plans on yours, so it just doesn't make any sense. lou: raising the issue quickly, and if you would would address this. no one's talking about these insurance companies come and health care providers who are in the league with this administration and whose future profit models are at risk along with obamacare itself. this is on uncomfortable, if you
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will, an uncomfortable alliance. >> it could be interestingfor investors at the white house caves in and does the inevitable, and that is greatly delaying the sign-up period, the penalties, maybe tries to come up with some scheme that people can do. is this starts to unravel, and one of the few losers will be the insurance companies. >> i think president obama will subsidize the insurance companies and i think yo hit the nail on the head where the shareholders are and i would be demanding answers from the management about what the financial implications are and they thought they were going to get these new enrollees an i promise you that the president well, that's the next move, use our money to subsidize the insurance company. lou: i'm sure folks wonder why this is the only bobcats raising this issue. andrea, thank you for being here. thank you very much. up next, the new book end of
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days takes a look at the kennedy assassination through the eyes of lee harvey oswald and his wife and the events that led to these actions and the questions that linger a half-century later. we will be talking with james a business owner, i'm constantly putting out fires. so i deserve a small business credit card with amazing rewards. with the spark cascard from capital one, i get 2% cash back on ery purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally soone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every d. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry!
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lou: joining us now is author james swanson and his latest book is entitled end of days committee assassination of john f. kennedy. it comes out tomorrow, so you can get a jump on the book. it's great to have you with us. >> thank you. >> let's get right to maria oswald and how important is she
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to the events that took place. she seems so passive in most accounts so can you give us a sense of her role? >> she had done one thing fferently, she would've saved president kennedy from being assassinated in and most people have forgotten that in the spring, oswald attacked major walker in texas. in the very rifle that he used a few months later to kill president kennedy. he missed him by an inch and told her everything. but she was afraid to go to the police that she was not an american citizen and feared deportation and in the spring of 1963, she had reported that the police would have arrested him and taking his rifle and pistol
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way, and i think that oswald would've been unab to kill the president in the fall of 1963. lou: the bok is by james swanson. so whywasn't there -- an investigation of that incident because that certainly falls within the purview of federal authorities are also calling upon them number 22nd. >> it was a nighttime attack. oswald shot at walker in the dark and then he went outside with his pistol. he was in combat in korea and world war ii and he was not going to sit there and be shot at. so oswald managed to escape and he ran away and he got away on a city bus and no one ever knew that he did it. so there was no investigation. lou: how did he get away?
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>> on a city bus. he didn't have a driver's license. it's so bizarre. months before he is escaping on a bus and now he is escaping the texas school book depository on a bus. >> you know that every conspiracy theorist in our history, saying okay, but marina oswald had every reason in the world to be quiet and whatere those reasons and how many of those reasons were part of the fact that she was a soviet type of citizen whom oswald had met and encouraged, it seems common to many common to have met in moscow. >> he was a violent wife beater coming had delusions of grandeur, he said he wanted to hunt down richard nixon, that he
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wanted to fight in the cuban revolution and he wanted to make her dependent upon him and he didn't want her to learn english because then he couldn't control her. it was a very strange relationship. lou: jackie kennedy's influence, looking at the two pivotal women in this tale. her role as you see it. >> she created the image of john kennedy from the time they got married. she was the stage person and she said she wanted to be the art director of the 20th century, and she did it through him. she helped him with the imagery and the photography the perfect image and she made him a legend in the four days after dallas. her behavior was wonderful and moving and she was in the car and she was inches from his face on his head was blown off. she said oh, no -- he tried to reach for some of his brains in the skull in the back, she
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wasn't trying to escape. she thought the doctors would need this to fix them later. lou: reaching across the trunk lid to bring the brain matter back. >> yes, and he pushes her back into the car and she says, my god, i have my husbands brains all over me. lou: we are coming up on an amazing anniversary and i can't commend the book you too highly. it is end of days, on sale online at bookstores everywhere, certainly beginning tomorrow. so check it out. it's well worth your time. coming up next, twitter going public. the true story of how money and power and betrayal shaped one of the most powerful internet tools. tools. our author join just by talking to a helmet. it grabbed the patient's record before we even picked himp.
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it found out the doctor we needed was at st. anne's. wiggle your toes. [ driver ] and it got his okay on treatment from miles away. it even pulled strings with the stoplights. my ambulance talks with smoke alarms and pilots and adiums. but, of course, 's a good listener too. [ female announcer ] today cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everything works like never before.
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lou: joining us now, a reprter for "the new york times" and author of the brand-new book. a true story of money and power and friendship and betrayal.
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and oh, yes, a lot of money. >> before we even get to the book and the story and it's a terrific book and story. the timing here, my goodness. >> yes, i think i win the best comment for business book. [laughter] >> without question. the idea that twitter is just massive, it fell off the stock today, up 7% after a 73% gain. the folks you have talked about. i can just imagine. >> what was really fascinating is yesterday i said it started in the morning before the ipo and jack dorsey was worth 400 million by the end of the day, the last segment i did,
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they were worth a billion. it was just insane to see that someone could make that much money. >> talking about the folks who really builds of the company and financed the company, the two folks that fascinate us. well, they all fascinate us. >> if the guy you kind of feel for that i personally am drawn to. did he make money? >> not really. it's what we call the forgotten founder. he's the guy that came up with the idea with jack dorsey. they have been out drinking and dancing and it was 2:00 a.m. and it was raining and he is going through a difficult time. and they were having a difficu time and jack talked about this
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idea, almost like an instant messenger window and no one had heard about it and there were others as well. lou: they basically got this out of the old aol symmetrix? >> yes, absolutely. whatever it is that you want to put on there d jack had a great idea to pull it out and make it a website. but there's other things that existed, there was this thing called tech smart and they had this moment and he thought of you could use this rather than updating your status, to really connect with your friends, that was be a hot moment but was a part of it. >> we began the book by reviewing this wonderful scene in which all of the magic appears with the benefit of some slight inebriation. >> now these guys are also talking about this and so are
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they going to give him a little money? >> i don't want to give away too much of the book because it's kind of a murder mystery. >> okay come you have to read it to find out. >> it's extraordinary to think how much money is being made here and then we watch this selloff as we reprt about it on the ipo. it is so clear that the numbers are just too big on the debut of trading. and i have this sense that the folks running twitter are the same as well. >> this is the thing that i have been trying to figure out. is it going to drop again? that is the thing that we just don't know. they were valued at 100 billion and they went out and they were thenalued at 50 billion.
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lou: if you look at facebook or any number of internet companies, you have this better price. >> yes. >> we recommend the book you to you highly. it's on sale online. again, also it is the best time business book of the year as well. so we thank you very much for bein here. bein here. lou: doctor marc siegel on
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you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast, long lasting relief, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly. try fast, long lasting gaviscon®. yep. got all the cozies. [ grandma ] with n fedex one rate, i could ll a box and ship it r one flat rate. so i kn untilt was full. you'd be crazy not to. is tt nana? [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex.
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lou: flu season is underway. i want to be prepared just like you. a new vaccine is available and joining us now is doctor marc siegel, a member of the "a-team"
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and a great guy. professor of medicine at nyu and langone. one of our esteemed producers as well. it's so great to see you out here. i think i'm going to join youin this. but let's start with the flu. how bad is it expected to be >> laster was actually a very bad flu season. they had more hospitalizations of elderly and over the past decade than they have been keeping these figures. it was an influenza season that had very early, which is one of the reasons th we are here so early this year gving our flu shots. i like to say that they are covered under obamacare, but you cannot tell us that they are. lou: doctor marc siegel, bringing humor and great knowledge about all of this. and the cdc, bringing back some various issues.
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you know, where are we? are we vulnerable right now because of the shutdown? >> i think that we are. i think that 135 million have been made and distributed already. isn't here in a big way yet. so if the cdc comes back in full force, you know, two thirds are out. and they are very important in the flu season. ahead can save come back. >> can we get a shot as we are talking? just stay on her for a moment, if you would, please. as we discuss the health care sector. can we get a single of this because i think everyone should. [laughter] >> just like that. is he not the best? >> he is the best.
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>> i was thinking about this. but after seeing you not flinch, i think that i can do this without the tears. >> that's wonderful. lou: doctor marc siegel gave me my shot last year and so i'm going to risk all and do it again. [laughter] >> by the way, how many strings does is protect against? >> i'm so happy you're not being a wimp. >> this covers three strains. a vaccine that is available and i am okay with either one. the exciting news is that they have made one so that if you have an egg allergy, you can actually get a flu shot. >> i didn't even realize that chicken eggs had anything to do with it. >> yup, since the 1950s, ey've been making them with chicken eggs. and they have a vaccine
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available that is alter strong. they found that they needed two shots or they were not responding well. middle middle age is always five years older than you are. are you going to give me the shot? ♪ ♪ >> it is not the flu. lou: that is terrific.
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i appreciate you giving me my flu shot. how many people should be getting that. the twentysomethings, in particular. if you have a baby in the house, you want to get a flu shot so that you never have the flu entered the house. all those people need flu shots and everyone should create a ring of immunity. you are helping your neighbor out. lou: i somehow feel part of the herd now. and i kind of like that and i feel more comfortable. [laughter] lou: it's always great good to have you. >> thank you for having us. >> it took a lot of courage. lou: up next, the brand-new book, american heroes on the homefront. bringing a collection of two stories together from the men and women who put their lives on the line to defend our great nation. one of those people is colonel
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lou: lou: a powerful new book. my next guest takes a look at the sacrifices. he would not let go of this book. this is my book. he wrote it, and it's my book. the sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform, and as well as those made by their families. joining us now is colonel oliver north. his new book is entitled american heroes on the homefront. the hearts of heroes. it is great to have you with us. >> thank you for having me. >> we have to read this book, i won't start by saying that. >> it is written for folks like me who love this so much. these are incredible pictures, it's such an incredible story.
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>> we did the one special on war stories and then i was with the unit was that was depyed in iraq in 2006. and we lost marines. obviously, i privilege the very few others have been granted, we were there to cover that aspect. so what we have today is a follow-on to that experience because my best friend and mother of our kids said to me after that show, you never understood until now what we were going through a home. so the hearts of the heroes are just the bards. it's the hearts of those who love them. lou: it's part of the importance of the support to these wounded warriors, in particular. it's very critical and important and i think organizations like
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the fisher house, they work for the families just as much as they are working for the wounded warriors. >> one thing we need to be careful of is this new era of reduced budgets and the military. that they not cut the personal and family support budgets and ultimatelythe ability to attract volunteers for the next war is going to depend a lot upon how we treat our volunteers now. so for the very first time since the american revolution, every person is a volunteer. george washington is right. the ability to attract enough volunteers will depend on how we treat those and they better not forget the sacrifices of their famili. lou: how well are we taking care
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of our wounded warriors and families? >> there's no doubt that the military medical system is the best in the world. you are far better being wounded in afghanistan than having a crash on the interstate because these guys know how to deal with it. the trauma care is the best in the world. the problem is the transition from the military system to the va and what happens there, quite frankly it is unconscionable. you have a 20 month average time between the day they start filing the paperwork and they accept them into the system. i have been with guys in this book and these guys said, no, this is what happened. showing people what it was really like and it's very graphic immediate battlefield care, and now and rehab. processing it into the real
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world. what is happening is two things. the va system is broken. nothing is too good for our troops, and that's what we're going to give him it seems like, nothing. these kids deserve a good job. it is the brightest military the wod has ever seen. lou: you talk about posttraumatic stress disorder in the book. we've got so many guys out there that are suffering from not an i think about this. when you were in vietnam versus so many of them over so many years in afghanian and iraq and i just -- contrast, if you will, contrast the pressure on the battlefield, knowing you're going out on one mission, the guys we have been sending over to afghanistan and iraq day after day after day of intense combat. >> world war ii. my dad was already overseas and
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my mom and dad met in 1940. he left in early 1943 and dn't come home until 1945. the total time in combat was less than six months, even though they were gone for two years. vietnam, average time, 15 men's. today, and i'm a marine talking about this, the united states army, one of the best that it's been, 315 month tours for your average 60 month enlistee. >> you're going to need some of these terrific volunteers and those who have served the nation so gallantly and have sacrificed ever so much, as you have pointed out, for all of us. sir, thankkyou. the book is american heroes on the homefront online at
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bookstores everywhere and as i said, this is my book, he wrote it, but it is my book. lou: and president obama swapping out for hillary clinton? we have that here and he has more coming up as a business owner, i'm constantly putting out fires. so i deserve a small business credit card with amazing rewards. with the spark cascard from capital one, i get 2% cash back on ery purchase, every d. i break my back around here. nally soone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every d. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry! it's lots of things. all waking up. connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything.
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♪ it's going to be amazing. and exciting. and maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. we're going to wake the world up. and watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. cisco. tomorrow starts here.
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lou: the new book -- and getting a lot of attention highlighted in the book and the obama campaign's consideration of replacing joe biden with hillary clinton. he first heard that story right here on our broadcast. ed klein broke the story first.
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more than a year ago. >> are you saying that you think it is all but a done deal that he will be replaced on the ticket? >> i'm not saying that at all. i am saying that there are those inside the obama campaign were thinking maybe we should consider replacing joe biden and they did not make that decision, but they were considering it. >> there you see it. the author of "the new york times" bestseller, ed klein is with us tonight. and congratulations. that is her thick. >> thanyou. the idea that this clinton campaign is starting to ratchet up. is there truth is we are hearing from some? >> i don't think it's
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disorganized. >> yes, i think it's very organiz. bill clinton had handed off the founda eing named so he could spend full time running on hillary's campaign. ling up support with labor ions and big donors and people who get out the vote. and it's going to be a massive campaign and i think that what we saw in virginia with terry mcauliffe and the negative campaign is a precursor of what the campaign will be for hillary. >> you think you will be that nasty? >> yes, i do. the attack ads that were rolling out of their, is a very strategically important win for the democrats, particularly for
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the clinton party. >> it reminds me of thespanish civil war and when e germans bombed the spanish asa sort of precursor to the bigger war that was coming up and i think that this was a pea cursor to the 2016 race. >> and who do you think the formidable opponent will be joe biden keeps saying that he's interested in that truly is not a serious idea, is that? >> in his mind it is very serious. he's been to iowa and new hampshire and south carolina, three of the key primary states. he is raising and trying to raise mney and i'm told by the people in his campaign an
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circle that he is serious, even though, as we know, a large part of the electorate sees him as a bit of a clown figure figure. >> all 16 senators that are female, they are urging secretary clinton to run for president. >> secretary schumer ust did the same thing. lou: how significant is that? it's nice, but doesn't amount to much in the way of political reasoning? >> but bill clinton is trying to engineer is a noncompetitive framework where hillary will have no serious competition and will not have to answer any serious questions and not spend a lot of money or time or energy on battling an opponent and just waltzing into the nominion. >> she should've tried that in
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2008. it didn't work then either it. [laughter] >> it might not work now either. across the river is governor chris christie. a remarkable victory, winning a significant portion of the hispanic vote in new jersey, he was a serious contender indeed. do you think that the republican party will take them seriously? >> the media loves chris christie. liberal democrats love him as well. conservatives, republicans it's sort of like smoky. will he play well outside of new jersey. >> it looks like we will have an opportunity to find out. thank you. ed klein is author of the amateur. check us out on twitter. follow us at lou dobbs news or go to our facebook page and check out ford show clips and important announcements. up next, the new book detailing
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the future first president turning the american revolution. the author joins me ♪ [ engine revs ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the mercedes-benz winter event is back, with the perfect vehicle that's just right r you, no matter which list you'ren. [ santa ] , ho, ho, ho! [ male announcer ] get the all-new 2014 cla250 starting at just $29,900. you really love, what would you do?" ♪ [ woman ] i'd be a writer. [ man ] i'd be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] i'd be an architect. what if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you?
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♪ when you think about it, isn't that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love? ♪
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lou: my next guest youe very faliar w lou: my next guesyou are familiar with. and we uncovered the clandestine activities of washington's most active conspire in the book. it is called the spy ring that saved the american revolution and the author is the fox and friends cohosts. it's great to have you here. >> we are pretty proud of the studio. >> it's a great studio. >> right next door, we try not to make very much noise. >>ou do a great job on that. and this is a great book and a
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great idea. >> we stumbled onto the ide. and we figured out about 1989, commemorating them and i said hold on, what he talking about, and i have been on an offsetting it ever since. and i wanted that moment when someone said to worry about that. i went to the cia and said to me about what they did. and they said that they are for real and we keep some of the things and we teach our people before they do any missions. and they said that it would be great. >> what information turn this group of six together? >> he was a hero and then
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washington took about a year. that's like, okay, we trust this guy, he's been by my side the entire war. finally, people we can trust in people who know this and we find a artender and you find a drygoods owner and a guy that has this kind of shop and you find a woman who has the nerves of steel to penetrate the social scene. >> back of the people, who wasn't? >> it does so much. how could that possibly be? we are watching benedict arnold and all sorts of things unfold during the revolutionary war and we didn't ve a very good counterintelligence. >> we didn't. but when i first met you, i'm on
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my route to the house and i look to the left. >> he would kill me if i told him when her. but i look to the left and this is where benedict arnold started his run, and i said that i had to start this. one of the things that they did that they a all have numbers wih invisible ink. she got the word out to washington and watch out. we don't know who or when, but it's going to be big and we have to be aware of it. and they said, we had our antennas up, and we were able to stop and he was going to hand off west point, all because it was infiltrated right until the nexus of the british command, which was new york city whwheree sit today.
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lou: th people that made up this spring. i'm trying to ask you so we don't spoil this. do you know everything about them to every detail in history and are there new areas to explore? >> in this book is like a news story. it's like the battle of yorktown and looking at the stepson of george washingon, he noted that james irvington was a royalist and this includes the battle of yorktown and he turned it over to the french. and they were towards the corner and the british still didn't know what happened. they said washington didn't defeat us, they outfight us. >> that's often the case, but
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particularly for the united states and the revolutionaries. they were outgunned, outmanned, they had far more experienced opponents facing them and to be able to come up with thi approach, in some cases guerrilla warfare, and spying and doing everything intelligent, it's no wonder that we were considered rather ingenious after the revolutionary war. >> yes, a bartender, a farmer, all of these guys. we like the big stars like washington. but it took the average everyday person to do extraordinary things for us to be successful. and i put some of the pictures in the book. great things that didn't get a lot of credit. lou: the book is george
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washington's secrets. we recommended to recommend it to you. it's on sale right now at bookstores everywhere. >> sharing is caring. it can be fine. and when i asked, public or private, most people said,. >> public. >> of the was private that would charge your feet. >> public, otherwise you wouldn't be here right now. >> is that true? john: s


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